As my career has almost exclusively been in theatre, I rarely get to write songs that simply stand-alone. I did a lot of that before I began working for stage productions, but that was a very long time ago and, perhaps thankfully, very little of that work remains recorded.

As with most of my compositions, my song-writing has tended to be for musicals. Occasionally I get to write a song or two for a play or even “a play with music”. However, I really began to learn my craft many, many years ago when I played in bands and signed to a publishing company run by a great old-school publisher – Ben Nisbet. He instilled in me the discipline of professional song-writing, which I hope I have carried into my theatre work.

The songs in this section are either from shows that didn’t materialise, or for my academic studies, or for Nitrovox – that wonderful a cappella group, led by Allyson Devenish.